All information on this website are alleged opinions that have been derived from thousands of texts, and hundreds of hours of face-to-face conversations, as well as many outings, with these two vulgar, vile, disgusting scamming con-artists, that connive senior citizens out of goods and money. Jamison Goodnight, the passive-aggressive borderline alcoholic, Malicious- Equinox Yoga instructor.
LinkedIn.com, youtube.com & Instagram.com should have this information on Scamming-Conniving-Sleazy Jamison Goodnight Malicious-Equinox Gym instructor-borderline alcoholic on their website. In time, a proper Instagram will reveal the truth about Sleazy- Conniving-passive aggressive-borderline alcoholic-malicious EQUINOX YOGA INSTRUCTOR JAMISON GOODNIGHT and her SLEAZY-SCAMMING-CUBAN-REFUGEE-HUSBAND YOAN CORVO DUARTE.N DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) husband Yoan Corvo Duarte.
Jamison Goodnight Hill Country waitress, jack of all trades, master of none. Now Equinox Yoga instructor.
Look at her many different websites to see how she will try relieve you of your cash. Soon to be published more disgusting, sleazy antics of her Cuban Refugee husband.
The Centre De Dance du Marais and the Peridance Center are more than likely to support the Sleazy antics of Jamison Goodnight and her Conniving, Thieving husband Yoan Corvo Duarte.
I was always told that your spouse should be a representation of you. Yoan Corvo Duarte is a SLEAZY, LYING, CONNIVING, CUBAN REFUGEE SCAMMING THIEF. This is a very good representation of Jamison Goodnight.
Pinterest, youtube.com, Facebook will show you the many faces of Jamison Goodnight which are filled with lies.
Balanceboat, IMBd and theorg.com will not tell you about the backstabbing, lying, conniving, people that Jamison Goodnight, and her husband Yoan Corvo Duarte truly are!!
Linkedin.com, Youtube.com, Peridance Center will not show you the many faces of Jamison Goodnight, especially the evil one that I know..
Please refer to yoancorvoduarte.com to view one of Jamison Goodnight's Sleazy antics of her disgusting husband.
Sleazy-Scamming-Thief-Conniving Jamison Goodnight is a lousy example for a middle aged woman. This is an Equinox Gym-yoga instructor. Jamison Goodnight is a true hypocrite. Jamison goodnight and Yoan Corvo Duarte are true senior citizen scammers.
All the websites that you see that Jamison Goodnight tries to pretend as, if she were Mother Teresa are quite false. One person Jamison Goodnight has placed his life in jeopardy, because he was suicidal.
At one point, Jamison Goodnight takes someone that has problems being gay and is very suicidal, up to the roof of her residence, instead of taking him to clinically trained professionals at a hospital, that are trained to deal with these situations. Yoan Corvo Duarte has stated that she makes many mistakes like this, pretending that she is a counselor for suicidal homosexuals.
I wonder if her if her husband's (YOAN CORVO DUARTE'S-YOAN DUARTE) birthday party, will be filled with COCAINE AND HEROIN with children in attendance.
Another website with Jamison Goodnight's Sleazy Husband; Yoan Corvo Duarte will show his attempt to to extort money from me and claim a fake rape.
yoancorvoduarte.com is the website address that will show you what a sleazy, conniving Cuban refugee behaves like, with the approval of of his wife Jamison Goodnight.
At the workplace of Hall Madden, Yoan Corvo Duarte has scammed, connived, and stolen monies from senior citizens, with the approval of Jamison Goodnight and his bosses.
Jamison Goodnight is not a professionally-clinically trained suicide guidance counselor, instead of taking people that are suicidal up to her roof to talk, she refuses to send them to suicide professionals where they are properly trained to better serve them. This is according to Yoan Corvo Duarte.
Youtube.com and withjamisongoodnight.com will not tell you the whole truth about Jamison Goodnight or Yoan Corvo Duarte.
Conniving-Lying-Scamming-Sleazy, Jamison Goodnight is the daughter of Stephen & Maud Goodnight from 71 Fox Haven Lane Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062. These two individuals should be ashamed of themselves for unleashing their Conniving-Sleazy daughter Jamison Goodnight onto society at large without a horse muzzle. Someone should have educated Stephen & Maud Goodnight on how not to have uneducated a passive- aggressive, controlling, horrible, borderline alcoholic daughter that can only marry a Scamming, Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban refugee with a philandering, conniving mind. SHAME ON THE BOTH OF YOU; STEPHEN AND MAUD GOODNIGHT!!!
Jamison Goodnight is a backstabbing, two-faced, self serving egotistical, poor excuse of a human being.
Sleazy-Scamming-Conniving-Jamison Goodnight and her Sleazy-Conniving-Refugee-Cuban husband (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte are liars- scammers-crooks-thieves, that prey on SENIOR CITIZENS to scam them out of whatever monies, or goods they can connive out of innocent, hard working people. instagram.com linkedIn.com Peridance Center.
Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight's husband, Sleazy, Conniving Refugee Cuban (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has held many jobs in the short time that he entered the shores of the United States. From a bus-boy, to a sleazy clothing salesman. It is my alleged opinion, that no former employer has asked the Cuban government for a thorough criminal background check on this sleazy conniver. Check youtube.com
Because of their bad financial situation and very/low-earning income status at work according to Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban Refugee, Jamison Goodnight's husband, Sleazy, Conniving-Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) and his wife Sleazy Conniving Jamison Goodnight (Passive-Aggressive-Borderline Alcoholic-Malicious-Equinox Gym- Low Paid yoga instructor) have credit card debts totaling $11,722.57 and medical bills that were about $18,056.87. These bills were shown to me in January of 2023. It has recently been pointed out to me that he was CONNING ME, and trying to get ME TO PAY these 2 bills for them. Now I firmly believe this; Sleazy, Conniving Yoan Corvo is a sleazy scammer/grifter. These bills, and all business dealings, occurred at the office of HALL MADDEN NYC room 406.
With much regret, I have done the following for them and their family. These matters were all initiated, and executed at the office of HALL MADDEN NYC ROOM 406 in N. This is where Sleazy, Conniving Cuban refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte worked. Instagram will soon post this website, so will youtube.com
(1) For the Conniving-Sleazy-Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte, I constantly paid to have his shoes shined, repaired, purchased new insoles, and resoled shoes. In 11 months this totaled to $359.16.
(2) I hand made Sleazy- Conniving-Cuban-Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte many lunches. I bought them many, many dinners which also included his wife Sleazy-Conniving Jamison Goodnight(Passive-Aggressive-Borderline-Alcoholic-Malicious-Equinox Gym-low paid yoga instructor) boozing it up, every single time. Her alcohol bill was always more than the food bill. In my opinion, it has been alleged that Sleazy.-Conniving Jamison Goodnight is a borderline-alcoholic. Conniving Jamison Goodnight's and her husband's food an liquor bill has totaled to $3,422.32, in 10 months, excluding my food purchases.
(3)Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban-Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte asked for financial assistance with the purchasing, & shipping of food, and expensive medications to his parents in Cuba which totaled $5,178.78. I have pictures, and receipts, as proof. All this was done on the white marble table at the HALL MADDEN NYC-ROOM 406. All this information was entered on the HALL MADDEN OFFICE COMPUTER, for verification.
(4) In February of 2023, I put a 100.00-dollar bill in Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban-Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte's' wallet, so that he would always have emergency cash, since his wallet was always empty.
(6) I purchased Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte a Facial scrubber, dental floss, breath fresheners, fruits, gum, chocolates, expensive anti-perspirant, and snacks totaling $452.92. To be used at the office.
(7) At the office of HALL MADDEN NYC 53West 36th street room 406, I LOANED Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte the cash to pay for the BLINK 182 Concert which is to take place on Wednesday May 24th, 2023 which totaled $649.46 for him, and his brother, that lives in Miami. WHICH HE STILL OWES ME FOR IN TOTAL!! Since there was no party on his birthdate, there is no birthday gift from me, which was going to be 1 ticket for this concert. If Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) does not wish to pay me back, I will first request that his employers pay me back. I will see if I have a legal case, since many business, and personal transactions occurred in the HALL MADDEN NYC showroom during business hours at HALL MADDEN. TO SLEAZY-CONNIVING YOAN CORVO DUARTE; I have all of the receipts to prove all that I have spent.
(8) I also paid for Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight’s (Passive- Aggressive-Borderline-Alcoholic-Malicious-Equinox Gym-Low Paid Yoga instructor)birthday cake which cost $452.23 + another $132.18 in other food costs. Anyone that attended the party can verify that. What a shame I wasted that money, on a low-budget, low-class low-life bitch. I was invited to his wifes' birthday party filled with COCAINE AND HEROIN. I was very surprised that these party-goers were partaking with these disgusting drugs, while children were at the party.
(9)Sleazy, Conniving-Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC-sales clerk) had a very difficult time with both his mother and fathers applications to enter the USA. If it wasn’t for me, their application would still be in LIMBO! Please verify with HALL MADDEN NYC office computer’s history.
(10) I purchased Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN sales clerk (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) ) a pair of GUCCI cashmere lined leather gloves for $550.00, a cashmere-silk scarf, $450.00 and a regular pair of insulated leather gloves, $68.75.
I met the Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte, on Wednesday July 20, 2022. He came into the store that I was at, and he started conversing with me. He informed me that he was working as a sales clerk for an unknown inexpensive men’s clothing line, at an office building located on 53 West 36th street room 406 in Manhattan, NY. Named HALL MADDEN. I loaned him monies, brought him packaged foods, medicines, and had many future business dealings & discussions at this HALL MADDEN LOCATION NYC, on 53 West 36th street #406. I WONDER IF THE COCAINE/HEROIN STILL RUNS FREELY. Soon to be published more disgusting, sleazy antics of her Cuban Refugee husband.
After a couple of months, SLEAZY, CONNIVING-CUBAN REFUGEE YOAN CORVO DUARTE (YOAN DUARTE) started to go out for dinners after work hours, which I always paid for. I thought he was a fine gentleman, with many bad ideologies, I would correct him, and he was happy that I did so. After several weeks of many daily visits to from him, and me giving him much knowledge of life, and business, he proceeded to bestow me with many sad stories. I tried helping him as best as I could. For the 11 months that I have known Conniving, Sleazy Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte(-sales clerk from HALL MADDEN NYC) (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) , I will list a few of the things that I have done for him, his wife, friends, and his family.
Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte always wanted my advice and opinions. I had disagreements with him over the following issues.;
(1) Spending $500.00 on worthless plastic fake designer sunglasses.
(2) Spending $100.00 on a single haircut, very often. I showed him many barbers that cut hair in the same neighborhood for $40.00, he stated that they were beneath his standards.
(3) Spending between $125.00-$175.00 every time he went out to dinner with his wife Sleazy, Conniving BORDERLINE ALCOHOLIC Jamison Goodnight, which was 2-3 times a week.
(4) Frivolous vacations, planning a trip to Italy.
(5) His many extra marital sexual encounters.
(6) Not informing sexual encounters (after he was married) that he had a sexually transmitted disease that once passed on, it will stay with them forever.
(7) I asked Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte to send his parents food, and much needed medicine to Cuba once a month that I would pay for. He said no, because he did not want them to get accustomed to it. He would rather have this money spent on himself.
(8) Omitting the truth.
(9) Hanging out in Sleazy pubs all the time, associating with degenerates, Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight told Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte that this was a high standard of living. I told Sleazy Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte that museums, art exhibits, intellectual discussions, theatre, and visiting many fine cultural exhibits was a very fine way to procure a good education. Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte stated that Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox-Yoga instructor) knew better, by hanging out in pool halls, and pubs. LinkedIn.com Instagram.com Peridance Center, and youtube.com
(10) Letting his Sleazy, Conniving, BORDERLINE ALCOHOLIC wife Jamison Goodnight(Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox-Yoga instructor) belittle his recently refugee brother and his religious wife to the point that they were forced out of Sleazy Conniving Yoans apartment, and moved into a hotel in NYC. That was disgraceful! Because of Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte's’ lack of support for his brother, they moved to Miami, where a generous cousin offered to help them and take them in.
(11) Not asking his Sleazy, Conniving wife Jamison Goodnight(Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox-Yoga instructor) and confronting her about her keeping a filthy apartment (dishes and dirty clothing all over the place), that he always had to clean up after her. Bringing into their bed; bed bugs, spiders, and mites, in which he got major bites from. When they washed their sheets, these bugs were now all over the laundry room and in the machines , and most definitely contaminated other renters laundry. Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) , Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) had to spray some of the suits at the work office with bug spray, because some of the suits at the office were contaminated with bugs that he accidentally brought in from his home.
(12) Me advising him to save his money and put away the credit card for 3 months (he said, I was being controlling).
(13) I would tell Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte the truth, and he would call me controlling, possessive, and a blackmailer.
(14) Making Grinder appointments at HALL MADDEN NYC office, and telling others that he has a client at the office for hours, and leaving his phone at the office, so when his phone is being tracked, it will show that he is at the office, when he was clearly not, during business hours.
(15) I have told him that he should be working 7 days a week to save money and help support his parents. He called me controlling.
(16) Spending over $500.00 on Paul Smith shoes, that was not necessary, or worth it, only to showoff. Spending $450.00 for cheap sneakers.
17) Maxing out his credit cards, and paying for a flight to bring his brother from Miami to Brooklyn to go see a concert that he could not afford.
18) Conniving, Sleazy, Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Equinox-Yoga instructor)wanted to get a dog, I showed Sleazy Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte what the average yearly vet bills were in NYC, and advised him that he could not afford it. They could not pay his medical, or credit card bills.
I have called Conniving, Sleazy, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte (HALL MADDEN SALES CLERK NYC)a VERY BAD SON (MAL HIJO), his parents are suffering in Cuba a 3rd world country, with minimal food, and he is over here LIVING LA VIDA LOCA with his overspending careless and disregard for his family that desperately needs food and his help. I repeatedly have told him that BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER! His parents love him very much.
Many times Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte would not answer his parents calls, because he was afraid that he was going to have to send them more powered milk, or aspirin. He only wanted to send the bare minimum. He did not want to spend his money on items, or shipping, which was not expensive. I happily, have done this simple task for them, sending food, and much needed medicine. Conniving, Sleazy (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte preferred to spend his money on expensive, senseless accessories, and dining out.
I asked him to stop purchasing expensive items. Conniving, Sleazy Cuban refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) said that he could not control his Sleazy, Conniving wife Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox-Yoga instructor)and her spending habits at the pubs. I have said all these things to him with MUCH LOVE, AND RESPECT! He agreed with me and then started to cry his crocodile tears, another conniving tactic.
Sleazy, conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte (HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk)confuses brotherly love with one that should also lie for him, do and say whatever to cover all of his deceptions, and be his enabler.
I also told Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) that he was a bad husband. He told me that he wanted to have a child. I begged him not to do so, because of Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight’s (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox -Yoga instructor) disgusting habits, plus the financial struggles & difficulties that they were having, and his extramarital sexual encounters. I stated that this would not be a proper environment for a dear child to grow up in. LinkedIn.com Instagram.com Marais Dance Center, youtube.com
The fact that Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) has always maintained that promiscuity is in his DNA and is a permanent way of life in Cuba, Like Desi Arnaz. Another website with Jamison Goodnight's Sleazy Husband;
Yoan Corvo Duarte will show his attempt to to extort money from me and claim a fake rape, as what the prostitutes do as a scam in Cuba.
I was invited to (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN)wifes birthday party filled with COCAINE AND HEROIN. I was very surprised that these party-goers were partaking with these disgusting drugs, while children were at the party.
Sleazy, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has told me that all very young teenagers start have having sex with whomever for cash. I have told him that it is not done, by decent people. He stated that his parents have had may kids with different partners. I mentioned that having a child growing up in a broken home, is not an environment that would be healthy for a dear child.
Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte stated that his wife Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) accepts his sexual antics, I told him that no normal couple behaves in this manner, he stated that it is the Cuban way. Look at LinkedIn.com youtube.com
I was always told that your spouse should be a representation of you. Yoan Corvo Duarte is a SLEAZY, LYING, CONNIVING, CUBAN REFUGEE SCAMMING THIEF. This is a very good representation of Jamison Goodnight.
Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte is a sex addict. Sleazy, Conniving Yoan Corvo Duarte has stated, along with the liaisons that he encounters, that he needs to masturbate a minimum of 2-3 times daily. While at work, any times of the day he is on porn sites, at home, especially while his wife Sleazy, Conniving Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) is sleeping, or not at home. This can be verified with the internet records on his phone, and work computer.
Sleazy, Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC) would often boast about walking into any establishment and could easily walk out with any girl of his choosing. He would brag about his orgies with 3 girls at a time, I have advised him to seek professional counseling, and support groups, before having any dear children. He told me to stop being controlling.
Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte's work environment at HALL MADDEN NYC, is apparently toxic as well. When a suit comes in from India or China, that is the wrong size or a mistake has been made, the owners have told him to stain it, take the pictures and send the picture back to them. In this manner they can get the credit for it from the factory, and receive a new one, free of charge. Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) has also told me that the wholesale cost to make a suit from India or China is usually about $300.00 and that the average selling price for these suits is between $1,500.00-$1,900.00, then commissions and profits are added in.
Weekly Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte would show me the spread sheets on how much he sold, and how much the company made. Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has stated that the spread sheets used at the office were his implementation, and when he is ready to leave HALL MADDEN the spread sheets will be wiped off the computer, because they belong to him. He will use them, when he sets up his own private label/company.
Apparently, the corporate office is in one of the owner’s small house. When Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) went to Los Angeles, they did not want to pay for his hotel room, so they had him sleep in their home, in a small bedroom, with no bathroom. This is one of the owners home of HALL MADDEN. Yoan Corvo Duarte was made to feel like a slave.
Sleazy-Conniving-Cuban-Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte (HALL MADDEN sales clerk) asked me to make a fake receipt to give to his employers from Radhames Hason on 4-18-2023 for the amount of $90.00 which he padded. What kind of establishment does he work at? He told his Sleazy Conniving wife Jamison Goodnight Peridance dancer (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) this and she thought it was funny, after I gave him the fake receipt, he then explained to me what I had done, I was appalled. His employers HALL MADDEN ON 53 West 36th street #406 had better protect, and watch out for themselves. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at ALL MADDEN) is in the process of doing to them what his predecessor has done. This is how history repeats itself.
At one point, Jamison Goodnight takes someone that has problems being gay and is very suicidal, up to the roof of her residence, instead of taking him to clinically trained professionals at a hospital, that are trained to deal with these situations.
This website will show ONE OF THE WAYS of how Yoan Corvo Duarte (Yoan Duarte) scams HALL MADDEN.
Jamison Goodnight condones the sleazy the sleazy, conniving antics of her Sleazy husband Yoan Corvo Duarte.
On March 3, 2023, I took Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte out for dinner, to the restaurant that he wanted to go to. During dinner we gleefully discussed about having a birthday party for him on Saturday May 6th 2023 after his work day ended, so that his guests could stay late. He agreed to this and was supposed to notify everyone, and invite his friends up to 25 people. As I stated that I would have paid for the entire party, all food and liquor. With my past experiences I specifically asked him can if we could shake on that, he then extended his hand and we shook on this agreement. The meaning of a handshake is a symbolic gesture of mutual commitment to an oath or a promise.
I started to make arrangements. I went to the Balthazar Bakery and prepaid the birthday cake which was a total of $545.19. I also went out and bought very extravagant birthday gifts, and trinkets, which he said were not necessary(after I purchased them). As I was purchasing things for his party, I was constantly notifying Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) as things were progressing, he and I were excited. I would constantly tease him about his birthday gifts, and he was excited. I wanted him to have a very special day.
On Sunday evening April 23rd 2023 Sleazy, Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte texted me that Jamison Goodnight his Sleazy, Conniving wife, (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) had something planned for him and her alone for his birthday. I texted him back ARE YOU KIDDING? His response to me was; STOP THE DRAMA! The rest is history. All he had to do was to ask me, can we make other arrangements. I would have happily agreed. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte stated that his wife Jamison had moved the date to May 26th, for a Memorial Day Party/birthday party, and basically too bad for me and my arrangements, & to stop being controlling.
When I confronted Sleazy, Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte with this dilemma, he specifically said to me, that a handshake means NOTHING to him, and that he was probably drunk when this agreement was made.
I then realized that Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte is a filthy liar, not a man of his word and is a cheat. I told him that he better-dealed me, then he laughed at me. Now I understand why he had to flee Cuba. linkedIn.com Peridance Center. Animato dance center.
I then realized what the Sleazy, Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) is all about. I texted him, that I now cannot trust him and that his words are meaningless, and all of my promises to him are now completely broken. He is now treating me like shit. I told him that I will no longer keep his secrets, because he is not an honorable man. He responded to stop threatening him, and stop blackmailing him. I told him that I have never threatened or blackmailed anyone in my entire life, especially him. When I say something, I do it, this is not a threat, but stating a fact. He then told me to stop the drama. This website will show that telling the truth is not threatening or blackmailing.
The 100% mess that Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) has created could have been easily avoided, with the simple truth and integrity, and not being so conniving. These 2 connivers are senior citizen abusers.
I demanded Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte to start making amends and provide restitution for all of those that he has caused grief to in his lifetime. No matter what has to be done. Those whom he has infected with his SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, THOSE WHOM HE HAS STOLEN FROM, AND THOSE WHOM HE HAS HURT. His answer was; ”He is only human”. Now (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has started speaking, like the true sleazy, conniving, idiot that he truly is. Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) has truly learned the proper Machiavellian ways of life. I then realized that I was now texting with the real Yoan Corvo Duarte.
Yoan Corvo Duarte (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) then had his Sleazy, conniving wife Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) call me on his cell phone without my consent or permission. She started to lecture me in a condescending, passive-aggressive manner. A True Low-Life Bitch. I thought I was listening to Nurse Ratched from; ONE FLEW OVER THE COOCOO’S NEST. She basically told me too bad. I then told her to go fuck herself. Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) was trying to raise her voice to me, and berate me in the manner that I have witnessed her do to (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte on several occasions. She tells him to sit, stay, lie down, then lick, and he does.
This has all been alleged and is of my opinion, but I think that it is very interesting, that you cannot read about Jamison Goodnight or (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte's disgusting antics on the Peridance Center, Marais Dance Center, Balanceboat.com, mindbodyonlinecom, instagram, or the Equinox websites. I am ashamed that they have done this to me, and have gotten away with it...Peridance Center.com youtube.com withjamisongoodnight.com you do not know what a connivers she and her husband Yoan Corvo Duarte truly are.
I have personally heard Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) talk trash about many clients that she teaches yoga to on many occasions in different Equinox locations. It’s unbelievable that while she, at her place of employment tries to behave in a normal fashion. Jamison Goodnight has also stated that she has put many of the clients in their place. When Jamison Goodnight leaves the building of her employment, she goes to a local pub and drinks herself into oblivion, in my opinion a borderline alcoholic.
Unsuccessfully, Yoan Corvo Duarte tried to make claim to a fake rape against me. please view yoancorvoduarte.com
I have paid the check on many such occasions and witnessed this vulgar, vile, and disgusting behavior. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) the husband waits to collect her like the obedient idiot that he has turned into. According to Yoan Corvo Duarte (sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC)on several occasions his wife Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive-Borderline Alcoholic-Malicious-Equinox-Yoga instructor)has said many despicable things about me as well. This is to be expected from a low-class woman that is truly mentally challenged (this is the woman that her employers have teaching others!). Yoan Corvo Duarte tells people that she is a fine symbol, a real Mother Theresa, then he laughs. As (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has requested of me, I put up with her disgusting behavior for the sake of our friendship.
Many Cubans that have come illegally to our Magnificent country(USA) by boat or through Mexico, do not have the same civil ideologies, or social beliefs of behavior that we have. It’s people like (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte, that give fine hard working Cubans a very bad name.
I then remembered a very disturbing story that (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) YOAN CORVO DUARTE (HALL MADDEN sales clerk)told me; when he first arrived to the USA 8 years ago, with $378.00 in his pocket, and a clear vision on how to connive people. The following is one of the sleazy stories that he told me:
When Sleazy, Conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte first came to the USA, via email he communicated with a lady for sympathy and he then lived with this woman (which I will keep this dear person anonymous) that lived on 135th street in Manhattan, he told her that she was his girlfriend.
This generous woman loved him, fed him, clothed him, gave him money, and got him his first job in New York City as a bus boy. She spent several thousands of dollars on him. After a few months, he proudly told me that he ghosted her, to get rid of her, for another girl. It’s people like Sleazy, Conniving Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) that come to this country and shit all over the good people of this great nation, thinking of who will be his next victim, and how can he get over on them.
Jamison Goodnight (Malicious Equinox yoga instructor) has received a dose of he own medicine, (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte was seeing Jamison Goodnight while living with this other woman, and he is now still having sexual encounters with others, while married to Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox yoga instructor). As this was alleged by (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte. In my opinion, I firmly believe (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte since he is always looking at himself in the mirror. Yoan Corvo Duarte is a true narcissist. LinkedIn.com Instagram.com Peridance Center.
I often wonder, if Yoan Corvo Duarte (sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) gives the clients, lessons on how to GHOST HONEST HARD WORKING GULLABLE WOMEN.
When (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte married Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor), (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte was very upset with the fact that Jamison Goodnight’s father from 31 Fox Haven Lane.. Mullica Hill, NJ 08062.. could not pay for the entire wedding. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte was accustomed to the Latin culture of the bride’s parents' (Stephen and Maud Goodnight) for paying for the entire wedding. Yoan Corvo Duarte was forced to pay a substantial amount of money for his wedding which he did not have. Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte had to use his credit card for many of these expenses, which he had no control of. I told him that in the United States, a wedding is usually paid by both parties. Yoan Corvo Duarte stated that, ”THAT WAS VERY WRONG, AND NOT A PART OF HIS LATIN CULTURE BUT HE WAS FORCED TO PAY AND SMILE”.
(YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC)and Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Malicious Equinox Yoga instructor) have a very bad habit of speaking badly of their friends and everyone that helps them. Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte was constantly telling me about his childhood friend Yassel Iglesias Castro who he refers to as a functioning drug addict who only cares about having sex with as many women as he can. (Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte is following his example with various women). Yassel Iglesias Castro is constantly borrowing money from him, and pays him back, after a good while. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has another friend named Renee (a fine person), Yoan states that he has nothing in common with him, but he will speak to him once a month to hear Renee speak badly about his father.
I have told Sleazy-Cuban-Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(-sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) that he lives with, and has surrounded himself with very toxic, self-serving animals. As the saying goes, we all make our beds, and now we have to lie in them (NOW WITH BED-BUGS). This is one of the reasons why Yoan Corvo Duarte’s life has gone down the toilet at the age of 36. I now believe that (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte came from Cuba with lies, treachery, and deceit on his mind, since this is what he grew up with.
Sleazy, Conniving, scamming, Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte has texted me that I am the son of the Devil. I have many fine close friends, most are pillars of society, from all over the world. I have maintained a magnificent friendship with many of them for over 55 years. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has wanted to meet many of my friends, now he knows the reason why he has not. With friends like him, who needs enemies. (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) is the classic reason why NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.
The undoing of our friendship is totally Sleazy Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte’s(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC)is 100% his fault and he best not to forget it. Sleazy (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte had best not to try to connive anyone else, they may not be as kind to him as I have been. I have loved him as a fellow human being, but like the true serpent that he is, he destroys and devours anyone in his path. I am happy that it has to be me to expose the evil, sleazy, conniving, thieving, backstabbing, philandering, scoundrel that he is. On many other occasions, Sleazy Conniving (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte has done other things like this to me, in the past. For the sake of our friendship, his crocodile tears, and claiming to make mistakes because he is only human, I constantly forgave him.
Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) feels that he can shit on anyone, and for the sake of love and friendship one is supposed to accept his wrath. Yoan Corvo Duarte confuses love and kindness for stupidity. The majority of these conversations took place at (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte’s office at HALL MADDEN 53 West 36th street #406, NYC. This would include him with trying to entrap me with a false rape allegation.
On (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte’s behalf(HALL MADDEN sales clerk), for months I have donated monies to Churches, Mosques, Temples, and Synagogues with the hopes that their prayers would help him change for the better. I recently made a large donation and have submitted 3 of his pictures to another religious sect in the Caribbean that understands the Cuban culture quite well. They have assured me that they will get the results that I have requested, and no one else will ever be able to interfere with this spiritual process. Time will tell.
It has been alleged, that I was told many years ago; TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL. Am I the Angel, or is it these 2 SLEAZY CONNIVERS that have received honorable mention. Good citizens will now know what these 2 connivers are really like.
Sleazy, conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte (HALL MADDEN NYC sales clerk) has advised me that he has many medical issues. He has many, many benign tumors throughout his body, as well as an enlarged prostrate, which gives him many medical complications. The sexually transmitted HPV virous will stay with him forever. He also has many psychological issues. I often wonder, if Dear GOD is trying to tell him something! Yoan Corvo Duarte is not religious, nor is he a GOD fearing man. At the ripe old age of 36, (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte (HALL MADDEN sales clerk) had better change his evil ways. Sleazy Cuban Refugee Yoan Corvo Duarte has been “LIVIN’ LA VIDA LOCA MUCH TOO LONG!” Now I firmly believe that Dear GOD, and the Universe are going to make Jamison Goodnight and (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte pay for their sins against humanity. I have witnessed many benign tumors turn malignant.
Yoan Corvo Duarte tried unsuccessfully to make a claim on a fake rape, this is a normal occurrence among male prostitutes in Cuba.
I have always lived my life my way, in a pure, clean, simple, and honest manner. I believe in the philosophy of what goes around, comes around. I will not be dictated to, or mandated by TRAILER PARK GHETTO TRASH such as what these two idiots are, who I now call DUMB & DUMBER. It’s very interesting, when you give someone a small dose of their own medicine, they never like it.
I will share an excerpt of one of Sleazy, conniving, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte’s last text’s to me; “If you still consider me a friend, you would accept my apologies and let it be a personal lesson to both of us. You and I. Like you said, Jamison is a separate matter. She is my problem, not yours. As you have written in a letter.” The next day, Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte texted me that I was the ”SON OF THE DEVIL” Now I must live up to Yoan Corvo Duarte’s expectations of me. I have now exposed the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from the time that I have met him, and Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Equinox yoga instructor) until now. If by me telling the truth is the Devil’s work, then I am guilty, guilty, guilty, but I firmly believe that I always do GOD’S work, and will continue to do so.
The fact that Sleazy, conniving, scamming, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte(sales clerk at HALL MADDEN NYC) is a SLEAZY, CONNIVING, THIEVING, PHILANDERING HUSBAND, LYING, BACKSTABBING, CHEAP CLOTHING SALESMAN, SELF SERVING, SCAMMING GRIFTER, HORRIBLE SON & AND AN UNTRUE FRIEND, will hopefully one day change. I have learned through my many years of experience, THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE A TIGERS’ STRIPES! Sleazy Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte walks the streets of New York City, with no remorse, or shame! Jamison Goodnight has many of the same disgusting characteristics...Peridance Center.com youtube.com
Now when new people are meeting Sleazy, conniving, scamming, Cuban Refugee (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN)Yoan Corvo Duarte and his wife Jamison Goodnight (Passive Aggressive, Borderline Alcoholic, Equinox-Yoga instructor), everyone will know that these have been my alleged experiences and opinions with them for the last 11 months. My alleged opinions are usually highly valued, by many influential people. I will have my alleged opinions updated on a weekly basis, as I remember them. I could not have voiced my opinions on these alleged allegations, without the assistance of direct conversations with (YOAN DUARTE OF HALL MADDEN) Yoan Corvo Duarte. Now my alleged opinions have credibility.
This is another chapter in my book of life that only I can open and close. These are all my alleged opinions. Two more chapters will ensue along with pictures to fill in the gaps with much more information, along with a video in due time.
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